Risvodetinib (IkT-148009) for Parkinson’s Disease and GI complications

First-in-class Therapy to Reverse the Course of Parkinson’s Disease

Inhibikase Therapeutics’ lead product candidate, Risvodetinib (IkT-148009), is a potent, selective small-molecule designed and engineered as chronically administered, once-daily oral medication targeting the underlying biological mechanism resulting in Parkinson’s disease, with the goal of halting disease progression and reversing functional loss. Risvodetinib (IkT-148009) is designed to block the activation of Abl kinase, a clinically validated drug target, to halt and reverse the loss of dopamine-secreting neurons in the brain and GI tract by restoring neuroprotective mechanisms.

Having demonstrated that Abl kinase inhibition can protect against development and progression of Parkinson’s-like disease in the brain and GI tract in validated animal models, we submitted two Investigational New Drug (IND) applications in February, 2019 to begin clinical development in multiple classes of Parkinson’s patients. Clinical development should proceed through 2026.

About Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease develops when neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine begin to die or lose function. Loss of these and other neurons leads to involuntary tremors, slow and imprecise movements, muscle stiffness, postural instability, loss of memory and dysfunction of the GI tract. All marketed therapeutic approaches to treat Parkinson’s help manage the symptoms of the disease, but there are currently no available treatments to slow or stop the disease’s relentless progression.

The underlying causes of neural death in Parkinson’s disease are beginning to be understood. Abl kinases have been shown to play a critical role in monitoring insults to neurons inside and outside of the brain and regulating biochemical pathways that are responsible for protecting neurons from dying or losing function in the brain and other areas of the body. In addition, recent research has demonstrated that Abl kinases play a central role in Parkinson’s disease progression.

RAMP™ Drug Innovation Engine

Our RAMP™ (Re-engineering Approach with Metabolism Preserved) drug innovation engine enables us to design and develop novel small-molecule product candidates with enhanced potency and preserved safety profile to treat neurodegenerative diseases.

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